Coaching and Mentoring

Starting a new academic journey can induce a cocktail of emotions. Imagine what it would feel like adding moving to a new country and feeling alone. 

85% of university students experience symptoms of anxiety 

At Embrace Worldwide we believe that coaching and mentoring can help students  manage stress and overcome challenges related to university life.  

Coaching and mentoring have the potential to contribute significantly in supporting isolation, increasing self-confidence, as well as helping the students to feel listened to, developing hope for the future.  

We are here to help you with a personalised, one-on-one meeting to help improve your skills and performance by addressing strengths and weaknesses. Working with a coach and mentor can help you study smarter by developing  time management skills and goal setting.


We all need good mental health.  

By talking about it, we can support ourselves and others. 

For more information, please contact us.